Haint Blu Salon - Atlanta
Self Care at the New Haint Blu Salon
in Atlanta, Ga.
So, Self Care is a trendy topic among us moms on the Internet. We all know we need it, but not enough of us are taking time for it #momlife. One way I like providing myself some “me time” is by getting my hair done.
For some of us ladies, visiting a salon is a monthly thing for maintaining our color, cut and keeping our hair healthy and fab. That is, of course, when it is not in a dry shampoo topknot.
For my ladies (and gents) in the Atlanta area, let me share with you my new favorite Salon! Haint Blu Salon is in Sandy Springs, just outside the city. They recently opened their doors and have the most fabulously designed space for you to unwind and pamper yourself.
My girl Danielle, who is AMAZING and one of the most genuine humans I have encountered, works there. She can cut and color your hair like a boss! I love letting her experiment with my hair color and enjoying the most amazing head massage when she shampoos it. If anything, the head massage alone is worth making the trip to the salon!
Cool story about the name: Haint Blu is the color historically used in the Deep South for painting homes in order to keep evil spirits away! How fun is that? If you look up during your shampoo, you will notice the ceiling is painted in the "haint" blue color of the salon's namesake. Haint is a variation of the word haunt, and for superstitious Southerners, painting porch ceilings this famous light bluish green color goes way back.
Haint Blu Salon, rated five stars on Yelp, is modern, trendy and filled with some of the top professionals in Atlanta. Make sure to check them out and get yourself some me time, and be ready for the holidays. Call 701-301-2332 to schedule an appointed today. Make sure to mention I sent you!
Connect with them on Social Media: haintblusalon