Public Service Day 2020 - It Starts At Home

Like many of you, I have been staying home, but want to act, give back, and use my skills and voice to make a change in our country and the world.

Next Tuesday is the United Nation’s Public Service Day (June 24). I haven’t decided what public service I will participate in, but I am hoping to organize a small event with my neighbors to put together some kits for one of my favorite local nonprofits, Helping Mamas

I invite all of you to join me in giving back Tuesday, June 24th for the 2020 UN Public Service Day.

There are a few ways to get involved:

Put together kits for local moms and babies: Helping Mamas is excepting kits for women and children in our communities. They have outlined their needs and instructions here: Tool Kit

Or shop for your favorite charity online! Lots of local charities have Amazon wish lists for donors to shop from.

Host a Zoom call with confined senior citizens- Set up a social hour with a local Senior Living Facility and host a conversation! Seniors are feeling extremely isolated during the pandemic and providing the opportunity for connecting them with the community will go a long way. 

Mow your neighbor’s lawn- Pick a neighbor you know would benefit from your assistance this week and mow their lawn. 

Donate blood- Consider donating blood to your local blood bank if you are able. With the healthcare crisis, there is a global need for blood donors, particularly with the rare blood types.  

Clean up your neighborhood- Walk in your neighborhood or on your favorite local park trail and pick up trash along the way. If you live near a lake or beach, consider cleaning up trash in the public access areas and along the shore.

Call your local Reps: Spend a few hours contacting your local representatives about issues important to you. This type of outreach can be time-consuming but will make a difference. Let your voice be heard!

Host a virtual Civic Dinner: Now more than ever, coming together is vital. Social distancing doesn’t have to mean social disconnection. Civic Dinners make it easy to do this so if you are interested in attending or hosting, check them out. 

For those who are local to Atlanta, visit for more volunteer opportunities. Let’s make the world a better place! As we have always said “it starts at home”, showing your children that it is important to give back and have compassion will go much further than you can even imagine.