Dental Care for my girls

I am embarrassed to say that the last time I went to a dentist was when I was in my first trimester with Caroline … oh crap. I need to schedule an appointment. It seems like the second I became a mother things that don’t seem as important have been pushed back. Honestly, as I type this it makes me a little overwhelmed to think about it. Maybe we will circle back to that topic in another post, but today I want to talk about dental care for my children. Caroline went to her first dentist appointment when we lived in Gainesville, Fla. I researched via word of mouth on social media and decided on Kids Only Dental Place. To say they were awesome would be an understatement. The hygienists were excellent, the set up was great, and Dr. Bob was so good with Caroline. She first went when she was two (I believe) and again before we moved (age three).

I was dedicated to making sure I found another good dentist here in Georgia, so I could make sure she goes every six months as Dr. Bob recommended. We found one in the same office building and floor as our new pediatrician. When we went, I had my baby girl with me and they gave her a first exam for free — for the one tooth she had.

One thing that stuck with me, and I have been doing my best to do this, is to brush the baby’s teeth (even though she only has six now) every night after feeding as recommended by our new dentist.

When I came across the 360 Toothbrush by Baby Buddy, I was excited to find a product made for babies and kids that was easy to use AND reached ALL surfaces of their teeth. Not to mention both my daughters love using the 360 Toothbrush!


We also have the Brilliant Kids Sonic (electric) Toothbrush for our four-year-old. The first time she used it she was so excited. Not only was it pink, but the neck lights up making it a fun experience. We would recommend this 100% and the best part is she wants to brush her teeth now! So, if you have kids you are trying to get excited about their nighttime and morning routine, give this a try. It comes in several colors and has animal character options!

We also use the Baby Buddy Baby’s First Toothbrush with our 9-month-old. It is perfect for cleaning her teeth and for using as a teether. Our daughter enjoys teething on it on her own, but also lets us brush her teeth with it. The silicone bristles feel good on her sore gums as those cutting teeth break through.

Overall, we are big fans of Baby Buddy because this brand has several products meant for the different stages of your children’s dental hygiene journey. (Show stages Chart) So if you haven't already, make sure to at least try out the 360 toothbrush, and get yourself one while you at it.