How do they learn this!

We were at Home Depot on a weeknight picking out paint for a bathroom reno when it happened... The paint mixer man approached us as I was holding my tired two and half year old and he approached us to ask if we needed help. My daughter said to him as she cuddled into my shoulder "Go away, Mommy and Caroline Don't like you." OHH M GG what did she just say.!

I  told her that was not nice and to apologize. I explained that saying that would make him sad and we don't want to make other people sad. Right away she seemed to understand that what she said was mean and exclusive. She started to feel remorse so every time he walked by she would say "sorry" "I'm so sorry". Luckily it was a good learning moment, one that I hope to sticks...

Where on earth does a two and a half-year-old learn this stuff! The rest of her class are two and three and we have no older children in the house, my gosh does this really start this early!?! Thinking into the future I am terrified to imagine the bullying she will receive and dish out. It is mind blowing to me that it starts this soon.

I can only hope that she offers my husband and me the opportunity to teach her right from wrong. Her teacher once told us she is a gentle leader and the kid in class who doesn't just have one or two friends but is friends with everyone in class. Praying she stays that way forever!




