Let's Talk Working Mom
There is a lot of advice, rants, ideals and expectations on the internet for working and non-working mothers. I think about this a LOT, some days a lot more than others, but it definitely crosses my mind on a daily basis.
We have all seen the blogs about mothers deserving more time off and more paid leave ( like the rest of the world). While most of the things they say are correct it should not be assumed that because of your gender and title as mother means you want to give up a career and spend more time at home.
Heck, talk about gender bias! So are we saying because of our gender that it is our deserved right to nurture and mother a child? Does this mean a husband does not have similar desires or rights? What if you are a mother that wants to work? Does that mean there is something wrong with you? ( I say absolutely not).
I am not saying we don't deserve more leave and PAID leave because we do and so do fathers. It is hard to argue that America is not way behind the curve on this. However, I am saying we need to be less one-sided on our messaging to the "ideals" of working mothers.
Some of us want to be successful AND to spend as much time with our babies as possible and some of us want nothing more than to be a mother and wife. both are ok in my book, so why does our online media try so hard to make us feel like we should be ashamed of our choices?
XO, Laurie