

I have been thinking a lot about time today. How fast it flys by and how time is one of the few things you can never get back. When making the choice to be a working Mom, it did not feel much like a decision but more of something I had to do. If I could go back and spend more time making the choice, would it be different?

I often obsess about the time I will never get back with Caroline and focus my days on figuring out how to change that for the future.

Can I be a working "hustling" Mom and still get all the time I want and need with my girl? I see other Mom's who have done it, they seem to have it all! Then I find myself wasting time trying to figure out how to get more time... what a predicament!

Trying to "do it all" and "doing it all" sure seem to get in the way of "having it all."

Letting go and accepting where I am is something I need to work harder on.